Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Rugby Amateur Radio Rally, 21/8/2011.

We are attending the Rugby Amateur Radio Rally on Sunday 21/8/2011


It's a real outdoor rally!


Orders are now being taken.

Call begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              01226 361 700      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

LAMCO the power behind junksale. 
01226 361 700

junksale app powered by LAMCO.

Don't forget to include your contact details in your advert so buyers and sellers who are using the junksale app can contact you.

Use your Android & I-Phone to view and use this app. Simply search for


and your phone should switch to the app in your browser.


LAMCO Cavity Filters

LAMCO are very proud to offer our very own cavity filters for your repeater system.

Call Lee Marsh on begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              01226 361700      end_of_the_skype_highlighting to discuss your frequency. £1299.00 for the latest cavity supplied for VHF (2m).


LAMCO the power behind junksale.


  01226 361700

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Trans Atlantic Balloon Communications Flight Sponsored by LAMCO UK & Icom UK.

 David ‘M0XIT’ is busy preparing an Vine Antennas RST-Rig Case with an Icom IC-7100 + AH-4 fir a Trans Atlantic Balloon expedition later thi...