Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The LAMFEST Barnsley's HAM Radio Rally Sunday 22/6/2014

The Barnsley LAMFEST HAM Radio Rally for 2014. New date set.

Powered by LAMCO.

In Aid of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Come and see Icom UK, Kenwood Elecetronics and Yaesu UK.

Great raffle prizes.

To book your tables then please call 01226 361700.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Icom ID-5100 due into stock @ The Ham Radio Shop 'LAMCO' Barnsley.

Icom ID-5100 due into stock.

Click here to treat yourself...!

Icom ID-5100E
The standard version, complete with multi-functional microphone and hanger, DC power and controller cables and CS-5100 cloning software will be available at a price of £569.95 (inc.VAT).

Icom ID-5100E Deluxe
Includes Bluetooth features and mounting equipment: MBF-1 Suction cup mounting bracket; MBA-2 controller bracket; MBR-100 Trunion mount; UT-133 Bluetooth unit and VS-3 Bluetooth headset of £719.95, saving £126 (inc.VAT)!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Spiderbeam Poles instock @ The Ham radio Shop 'LAMCO' Barnsley.


We are taking orders for this weekends ham radio rally.

Call 01226 361700


 Click Here for Directions

Sunday 4/5/2014

Thorpe Camp Visitor Centre, 
 LN4 4PE. 
TI S22, 
 B&B new for 2013 free parking,
 Pitches free but size is limited if not pre-booked. 
RAF heritage centre on site.
 Overnight camping by appointment. C, OT 10.00.

Trans Atlantic Balloon Communications Flight Sponsored by LAMCO UK & Icom UK.

 David ‘M0XIT’ is busy preparing an Vine Antennas RST-Rig Case with an Icom IC-7100 + AH-4 fir a Trans Atlantic Balloon expedition later thi...